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Aarathi Krishnan is the founder of RAKSHA Intelligence Futures – the fist woman of color owned and led Advanced Risk Intelligence Firm. She is an experienced international aid expert, with almost two decades working directly in fragile, crisis contexts, as well as working with senior decision makers across governments, the UN system and international organizations on all aspects of risk intelligence, foresight, strategy, and governance. Her work has always pushed the boundaries of what is possible, and her published work is known to be standard setting – and incorporated in the pedagogy of the United Nations System Staff College (UNSSC), International Committee of the Red Cross Red Crescent (ICRC), United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Brandeis University and Cornell Tech. Aarathi is widely known, and trusted in the multilateral, humanitarian and academic space. She has been published widely, and is a sought after expert public speaker. Her TED talk has been viewed more than 1.6 million times by TED viewers and translated into five different languages beyond English. She has been featured by Fast Company, The Saturday Paper Australia, ABC Radio Australia, the Centre for Strategic and International Studies amongst many others. Aarathi has advised governments from Bhutan, Maldives, Cambodia, Botswana, and many more. She is a trusted advisor for philanthropic organizations and think tanks, including the World Economic Forum. In addition, she is currently an Affiliate with the Cambridge Centre of Existential Risk at the University of Cambridge and has previously been a dual Technology and Human Rights Fellow at the Berkman Klein Centre for Internet and Society at Harvard University as well as a 2020-21 and 2021-22 Technology and Human Rights Fellow at the Harvard Carr Centre for Technology and Human Rights.
Alisha Bhagat is a futurist and strategist whose work focuses on the creative use of futures tools such as strategic foresight and scenario planning to impact long term positive change, particularly around issues pertaining to social and environmental justice. She is based at Forum for the Future, a global non-profit where she works with companies and other organizations on thinking long term and sustainably. Alisha’s work in futures covers a number of sectors including food, mobility, and consumer goods. In her free time, Alisha convenes the Diaspora Futures Collective, a group of PoC working on decolonizing, reframing, and taking action for the future. Alisha received a BS in Anthropology and History from Carnegie Mellon University, a MS in Foreign Service from Georgetown University, and was a Fulbright Scholar in 2005.
Creative Strategist, Trends and Futures Specialist.
Program Establishment Manager of Policy Hub at the Victoria University of Wellington, NZ.
Arthur Muliro is Deputy Managing Director at the International Secretariat of the Society for International Development (SID) in Rome. Amongst other responsibilities, Mr. Muliro leads SID’s Futures programme that works closely with diverse development stakeholders to develop future-oriented public interest scenarios that are focused on the challenges of institutional transition and transformation. He has successfully overseen large-scale public interest scenario projects in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania and regionally in East Africa as well as supported similar initiatives in the Middle East and Latin America. Prior to joining SID, Mr. Muliro worked for the Centre for Innovative Leadership, a Johannesburg-based consulting firm specializing in organizational learning and scenario thinking. He also worked for several years in student leadership at various levels regionally and internationally. A graduate of the United States International University – Africa, Mr. Muliro holds a degree in Management Information Systems.
Director of The Hassan II International Environmental Training Center and Deputy Chair of the IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law.
Futurist and Global Lead for Strategic Foresight at the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). Ben helps teams around the world explore possible futures so we can prepare for potential crises, uncover new opportunities for action, and make better decisions today. Ben has spent 20 years in the humanitarian sector and the media, helping organisations adapt to a changing world.
Manager at Ford Motor. Director of Development at Ernst & Young. Freelance consultant: UK; USA; Europe; Middle East; Africa; Australia. Private, Public and Voluntary sectors. Late wife folklorist Jennifer Westwood. Lives in tiny village in Norfolk. Consultant Editor Manager’s Handbook: 500,000 copies, 15 languages. Broke the MBA cartel (London; Manchester and Cranfield).
Dr. Brooke Taylor is a George Washington University Nuclear Security Working Group Fellow. She works on Capitol Hill for a member of the United States Congress and leads appropriation portfolios for defense, energy and water, and military construction and Veteran’s Affairs. Dr. Mitchell also serves as manager for the Congressional Nuclear Working Group. She consults for Southeast Innovation Institute where research efforts included curriculum development on Joint All-Domain Operations and Joint All-Domain Command and Control for the Air Force Institute of Technology. In addition, Dr. Mitchell is the Director of Strategic Studies for the Small Business Consulting Corporation and principal investigator for Air Force Global Strike Command’s (AFGSC) National Nuclear Strategy and Global Security Workshop for Practitioners. Prior to this, Dr. Mitchell managed AFGSC’s near-peer competition program where she developed and facilitated a scenario planning table-top exercise. She designed a novel top-secret Nuclear Command, Control, and Communications environmental scan table-top exercise utilized in executive education for senior military leaders and is presently in the final stages in creating a strategic foresight table-top methodology for nuclear planners, the results of which will be available Winter 2021. Dr. Mitchell has published additional research on these topics in Wild Blue Yonder, Real Clear Defense, War on the Rocks, Strategy Bridge, and the Guide to Nuclear Deterrence in the Age of Great-Power Competition with an article forthcoming in the United States Air Force Academy Space and Defense Journal.
Dale is the former Head of Strategic Foresight for the Western Cape Government in South Africa where he also served as a policy and strategy analyst. He currently resides in New York while he completes two books, one on behavioural insights and the other on inequality.
Daniel Dobos is the Research Director of Swisscom. He is responsible for research projects and academic relations. He has a passion for advanced data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence in R&D, innovation, quantum technologies, sustainability, and security contexts. Daniel is inspired by working on challenges in interdisciplinary teams, collaborations, and hackathons. He holds a PhD in particle physics and was researcher at CERN on big data and advanced data analytics. Previously he worked on strategic technology foresight projects with the United Nations and analyzed global aviation data in a startup he co-founded.
Darcy Winslow is the Founding President (2010-2020) and co-founder of the Academy for Systems Change, an organization focused on advancing the field of awareness-based systemic change in order to achieve economic, social, and ecological wellbeing. Darcy also founded the recently launched Magnolia Moonshot 2030 (MM2030), a new narrative for women!s leadership, creating the conditions to activate our collective power to address the greatest chal- lenges we face today. By convening networks of women leaders urgently addressing the climate crisis, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, deep equity, conscious leadership and the divine femi- nine, MM2030 amplifies our collective ability for positive impact.
Prof Dave Snowden divides his time between two roles: founder Chief Scientific Officer of Cognitive Edge and the founder and Director of the Centre for Applied Complexity at the University of Wales. His work is international in nature and covers government and industry looking at complex issues relating to strategy, organisational decision making and decision making.
Edward is a strategic communications expert specializing in designing, managing and implementing complex public engagement and information dissemination campaigns. With a multidisciplinary academic background combining Broadcast Journalism and War Studies, Edward works with Government agencies, regional bodies, private firms and non-governmental organizations to tell stories and critical decisions on development, peace and security. Building on his management and practice experience with BBC Media Action, BBC World Service and with Oxfam International, Edward launched Camerafrica Consultants Ltd in 2007- a knowledge production agency that works with clients to transform and scale up their impact, revenues and competitive edge in the face of disruptive technologies, mega trends and shifting public expectations. Edward’s work in Governance continues to shape current discourses in design of violence free electoral processes based on his book Eden in Turmoil that provides a critical examination of the 2008 Post Election Violence in Kenya. Using a blend of case studies, storytelling, design and systems thinking approaches, Edward brings a transformative, participatory approach when part of strategy and policy discussions, during training forums, media discussions and when curating stories of resilience and recovery for organisations and communities. Edward has been engaged as a consultant and adviser to UN Strategy on Disaster Risk Reduction working on capacity building programs for journalists. He has trained over 40 journalists in 14 countries and pioneered the establishment of the Society of African Reporters on DRR ( effectively becoming its first Chairperson.
Senior Project Manager, Dubai Future Foundation and Curator of the Dubai Future Forum.
Geci has facilitated two African SOIF projects in the digital space – the African Digital Futures Project (2021) and a foresight exercise, the IDRC, in the AI For Development programme (2022). She is a scholar-practitioner based in Johannesburg working in the intersection between people, place and technological change, and has worked in futures and foresight for about 20 years. Her work mainly focuses on public-interest projects in Africa and the global south and is more internationally linked to the Millennium Project and UNESCO’s Global Futures Literacy Network. She is also the Africa Regional Editor for the foresight journal. Geci is an Associate Professor at the Wits School of Governance, coordinating the establishment of the new Tayarisha African Centre of Excellence in Digital Governance and hosting the African Civic Tech Innovation Network. She is also a global faculty member with Singularity University on the future of cities and governance. She is widely recognised and published in development planning, policy, foresight, and innovation and is involved in leadership and editorial roles in innovation and futures. She currently serves as a founding director of the Southern African Node of the Millennium Project and its project and as Vice President of AfricaLICS (the community of innovation scholars in Africa).
Team Leader, Accelerator Labs Network at United Nations Development Programme.
Guilherme is a public policy adviser for the Portuguese Center of Government (PlanAPP). An economist by trade and an environmentalist by heart, he has served as adviser to the Portuguese Secretary of State for the Budget and an environmental consultant on the topics of waste management and circular economy. Besides his work on the Portuguese strategic planning documents, Guilherme’s works involves studying and proposing changes to the strategic planning system in Portugal, delving into topics such as the relation between strategic planning and the budgetary process or the integration of foresight within the planning activities of the government.
Research Professor and Director of the Master’s Degree in Strategic Foresight at the School of Government and Public Transformation of Tecnológico de Monterrey.
Strategy Manager with 5 years experience working in strategy development at Wellcome. Experienced in the development and implementation of strategic projects and initiatives; innovative strategy development and project management.
Heba is an Independent Advisor on international development and peacebuilding. A former United Nations Resident Coordinator and UNDP Director, she has decades of leadership experience in both the multilateral system and civil society, spanning many countries and numerous complex crisis and conflict contexts. Heba is currently a member of the Board of Directors of ODI-Europe, and a member of the Supervisory Council of the Dr. Mukwege Foundation.
Hitomi Rankine is a technical cooperation specialist with over 15 years of experience in Asia and the Pacific and the Caribbean. She has facilitated multi-stakeholder foresight, opened futures studies opportunities and explored sustainability challenges through a transdisciplinary lens. As an Environmental Affairs Officer at the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), she has been responsible for policy advocacy and research and stakeholder engagement for sustainable development and green growth. She works closely with civil society in the follow up and review of progress on the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development, helping to ensure that stakeholders have a seat at the table.
Huong Nguyen is a strategist who works at the intersection of foresight, strategy and human resources. Her experience extends to the New Zealand public service (including the New Zealand Treasury and the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment), and the tertiary education, health and NGO sectors. Huong is passionate about helping organisations and communities prepare for multiple futures. She has led the development of organisational strategies and workforce strategies which take into account future uncertainties. She also provided advice on and contributed to many work programmes on matters such as long-term governance, wellbeing and climate change (both in New Zealand and internationally). Huong holds a PhD in Human Resource Management from Victoria University of Wellington, alongside undergraduate degrees in International Law and Management.
Jane Davidson is the author of #futuregen: Lessons from a Small Country and passionate about living lightly. She is Pro Vice-Chancellor Emeritus at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David. From 2000 – 2011, she was Cabinet Minister for Education, then Environment and Sustainability in Wales where she proposed legislation to make sustainability the central organising principle of government: the Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act came into law in 2015. She is a RSA Fellow and guest faculty on the Executive Education for Sustainability Leadership programme at Harvard University & T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
Jane is a psychotherapist with 15 years experience of working with individuals and leading community programmes for people seeking safety in the UK. She’s currently interested in the interplay between the neuropsychology of fear and foresight work; with a particular focus on the role futures work plays in providing young people a safe space to engage with the climate challenge, helping them move from anxiety into action.
Jim Maltby is a Principal Scientist at the Defence Science Technology Laboratory (Dstl, part of MOD). He joined Dstl over 10 years ago, after serving in the British Army and working in a number of Government departments working on Resilience and Security.ssHe is a Biologist and Social Scientist; now providing research on long-term planning, science and technology, and strategy and policy advice to senior decision makers in National Security. His interests research focuses identify future changes in society, how this is shaped by adoption of technology, and how we can improve performance in our reasoning and decision making within complex problems and situations of high uncertainty.ssJim works closely with our partners across government and academia within the UK and abroad, and also collaborates with a number of other industrial sectors in the UK: primarily the Creative Industries (design and innovation), Insurance, Energy and Humanitarian sectors.ssHe is currently a RSA Fellow, and a Fellow of the Institute of Civil Protection and Emergency Management (ICPEM). A member of the Society for Decision Making under Deep Uncertainty and the Analysis Under Uncertainty for Decision-Makers Network (AU4DM). He sits on the Advisory Board to the Humanitarian Innovation Fund and has been a technical advisor to the Virgin Earth Challenge.
I am a Strategist and Futurist with over 15 years of international Marketing, Innovation, and Strategy experience in blue-chip companies, such as The Walt Disney Company, AB InBev, Societe Generale as well as start-ups. A graduate of Saïd Business School, University of Oxford Strategy and Innovation programme, I focused my research on how Strategic Foresight can help incumbent organizations navigate our Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous world, avoid disruption, and become disruptors themselves to ensure their long-term market positioning and future success. I founded Futures Forward in April 2019 and I help organizations up-skill and build resilient innovation and business strategies for the future. I am a member of The Global Foresight Advisory Board of The Futures School, the Association of Professional Futurists, and the Oxford Union.
Ph.D. in transdisciplinary cultural studies, Master in social anthropology. Head of Futures Studies area, Chair of Design of Tomorrow program, co-editor-in-chief of the Creative Economy journal at Regional editor for LATAM of the Journal of Futures Studies (Tamkan University). Researcher and planner for the firms Yuzu Kyodai (Japan) and Punk (Vancouver/Mallorca).
Director, Thought Leadership, Business Fights Poverty. Katie has over 15 years’ experience in business and social impact, including with multinationals in the finance and telecommunications sectors. Katie is an award-winning and published thought leader spanning disciplines of business innovation, social enterprise, stakeholder engagement and sustainability. As Director of Thought Leadership at Business Fights Poverty, Katie leads efforts to distil and distribute practical insights to enable businesses to scale their social impact and connect with key stakeholders. Katie led analysis of the Cargill-CARE partnership, drawing out learnings about how to move from transactional to transformational partnerships. She has led the three year Futuremakers programme with Standard Chartered Bank – running activities ranging from competitions to youth led research with Cambridge University and multi-day Forums. Katie had led research for the DFID project on business integrity, focusing on the development of anti-bribery case studies for SMEs. Katie regularly leads deep stakeholder engagement work – tackling emerging issues and deepening long lasted trusted relationships for stakeholders. She oversees Business Fights Poverty’s Content Partner engagement activities – with over 130 NGO partners and many more global experts to help crowdsource knowledge from the 35,000+ community of professionals and to a drive conversations around key social impact issues. Previously, Katie worked for Barclays, where she led external stakeholder engagement and strategic relationships for the bank on social and environmental agendas. She also spearheaded Barclays’ Shared Growth research. Prior to that Katie worked for Telefonica UK, where she developed an award winning sustainability internal engagement strategy. Katie holds an MA Environment Politics & Globalisation, King’s College London.
Laura M. Muir is the Chief Human Resources Officer at Polaris Transportation Group and was the recipient of the 2022 Women in the Workplace award. She has also been a founding leader of Canadian Human Resources for various global organizations. Her vision has been to encourage people, especially women, into career paths where they can be passionate and find personal gratification. Laura continues to devote her time to public speaking at various secondary and post-secondary institutions and other forums to help provide guidance and inspiration. Her motto of, “Be the unicorn – develop powers that no one else has”, has inspired others to create a unique and diverse background. Laura also devotes her time developing partnerships with nonprofit organizations and humanitarian agencies across North America and is deeply committed to helping women who have endured difficult situations. She serves on two boards specializing on building opportunities for women and provide support. She has been featured in a number of Canadian periodicals and also regularly contributes to a Canadian newspaper focusing on Human Resource guidance. Laura is in the process of working on a book addressing generational variances. She is also a mother of three and devoted wife; Laura and her husband have been running a hobby farm in Northern Ontario focusing on sustainability in her spare time. Laura possesses over 20 years of experience in International Human Resources practices and is a recent graduate of Oxford University’s Executive Leadership Programme and the Oxford Executive Strategy Programme. She is fluent in English and conversational French and Spanish and basic knowledge of Italian, Korean and Japanese.
Laurie Smith – Senior Foresight Lead, Discovery Hub. Laurie leads on strategic foresight for Nesta. He oversees much of the organisation’s research into emerging trends, novel technologies and promising interventions. The Discovery Hub, of which he is part, embeds strategic foresight at the heart of Nesta and helps test high potential ideas before applying them in our programmes.
Linda Peterhans is a Programme Officer at the Kofi Annan Foundation, working on youth-related projects under the Youth Leadership programme. She manages the Kofi Annan Changemakers, an intergenerational initiative which aims to make the voices of young people count by giving them a chance to dialogue with and seek counsel from experienced leaders on diverse issues whilst allowing leaders to better understand the preoccupation of young people. Prior to that, Linda worked in the Arts and Culture team of the World Economic Forum, leading a leadership programme with artists and managing the Cultural Leaders network. She also worked in the humanitarian sector in the Middle East where she coordinated cultural projects. Linda holds a Master’s Degree in Anthropology and Sociology from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies and The American University in Cairo.
Consultant, Climate Business Department, International Finance Corporation (IFC), World Bank Group. Mai Nguyen has over 10 years of experience in green buildings, sustainable real estate, and urban development in the Asia-Pacific and North America regions. She holds a CFA ESG Investing Certificate and LEED AP (BD+C, ID+C). Currently, she works as a climate resilience consultant in the Climate Business Department at the International Finance Corporation (IFC), World Bank Group. Prior to joining IFC, she was involved in the City of Boston’s first Zero Net Carbon Building Zoning Initiative and the City’s Climate Resiliency Requirements. Additionally, she actively participates in multiple entrepreneurship accelerators as a mentor and judge. Ms. Nguyen is a Humphrey scholar, an ADB-JSP alumna, and an Op-Ed columnist who writes about sustainable urban development and ESG in real estate. She also serves as the Country Representative to Vietnam for the American Planning Association – International Division. Ms. Nguyen earned a master’s degree from Saitama University in Japan and conducted a research fellowship at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Marcela is the Senior Specialist for Strategic Futures with Natural England, where she is furthering futures, systems thinking, and innovation, to help strengthen strategic decision making across the organisation. Marcela has also been working to champion futures thinking in the security sector through her support on a number of initiatives, including involvement in the Paris Peace Forum 2021. She was awarded the NGFP Security and Technology Special Award 2021 for her project proposal focused on leveraging youth voices to shape the future global security agenda. In her previous role with INTERPOL, she helped to establish the first Global Horizon Scan for law enforcement, a participatory futures game, and launch the first INTERPOL Young Global Police Leaders Programme. Previous experiences also include working at NATO, as well as supporting women’s empowerment in the MENA region.
Mark is passionate about transformational change in individuals, organisations, and communities. He provides consulting and coaching support for people wrestling with leadership challenges, complexity, and conflict, focused on developing individual and collective capacities for: • embracing complexity, sense-making, systems thinking, and power dynamics • situational leadership: making mindful choices to exercise different leadership behaviours when engaging in a crisis, a technical problem, or a complex “wicked” problem • understanding conflict, individual emotions and organisational defensive routines • understanding different types of conversation • developing capacities for transformational dialogue • building trust; making “progress at the speed of trust” • developing effective practices for individual and organisational reflection and learning Mark facilitates on the UK Gov’s Major Projects Leadership Academy at Oxford’s Saïd Business School, and with the Centre for Democracy & Peacebuilding. With 30 years’ experience at the intersection of leadership, complexity, and conflict, Mark has worked with different governments, NGOs, the Olympic movement, in corporate law and the private sector; in the UK, India, Iraq, Democratic Republic of Congo, Papua New Guinea, and Jordan, where he served for 12 years as CEO of Generations For Peace, a global peacebuilding organisation with 22,702 peacebuilders in 52 countries. Mark graduated magna cum laude from University of Oxford’s Saïd Business School and HEC Paris (MSc); Université Lyon 1 (MA); University of Edinburgh (LLB-Hons; DipLP); and Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. He has additional certificates in Transformative Dialogue from the Nansen Centre for Peace and Dialogue in Norway; in Community Dispute Resolution from Colorado State University; in Non-Violent Communication from the Centre for Nonviolent Communication, in Conflict Resolution, Transformation and Peacebuilding from the International Centre for Parliamentary Studies, and in Artificial Intelligence from University of Oxford. Mark began his career as a corporate lawyer in the UK and India. He served as a British Army Officer for 10 years, and with the British Foreign & Commonwealth Office. He was awarded MBE by HM Queen Elizabeth II for his work in Iraq 2003-2005; CEO of the Year 2022 by CEO Monthly, and the 2022 Peacemaker Award by Brigham Young University Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution. He is a member of The Change Leaders and the Law Society of Scotland, a Writer to His Majesty’s Signet, and founder of Transformational.
Mark is a leadership coach working with executives from across the world, enabling them to better face the challenges ahead. He is a member of Oxford University’s Saїd Business School Coaching Community where he coaches leaders from across the world on a wide range of programmes including High-Performance Leadership, Oxford Advanced Management and Leadership Programme, Driving Disruptive Growth, Executive MBA and full-time MBA as well as a number of custom programmes. He is also an associate at global leadership development firm Spencer Stuart and has his own private practice. Increasingly, Mark is drawn to and seeks to incorporate Futures thinking into his work as leaders prepare their organisations for a radically different future.
Mathew Burrows, PhD serves as director of the Atlantic Council’s Foresight, Strategy, and Risks Initiative (FSR) and is one of the leading experts on strategic foresight and global trend analysis. In 2013 he retired from a 28-year long career in the State Department and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the last 10 years of which he spent at the National Intelligence Council (NIC), the premier analytic unit in the US Intelligence Community. In 2007, Burrows was appointed Counselor, the number three position in the NIC, and was the principal drafter for the NIC publication Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds, which received widespread recognition and praise in the international media. In 2005, he was asked to set up and direct the NIC’s new Long Range Analysis Unit, which is now known as the Strategic Futures Group. Other positions included assignments as deputy national security advisor to Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill (2001-02), special assistant to the UN Ambassador Richard Holbrooke (1999-2001), and first holder of the intelligence community fellowship at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York (1998-1999). Burrows received a BA in American and European history from Wesleyan University and a PhD in European history from the University of Cambridge.
Ms. Nancy Donovan is Co-founder of the international Public Sector Foresight Network ( which connects government foresight practitioners from countries around the world by activities such as meetings to disseminate information on examples of foresight efforts, lessons and challenges in conducting foresight, and how to best communicate and sustain foresight activities. Ms. Donovan is the former Director of Domestic Relations for Strategic Planning and External Liaison at the U.S. Government Accountability Office, a U.S. Congressional agency. In this position, Ms. Donovan was responsible for relationships with the U.S. federal, state and local accountability communities and incorporated foresight considerations as part of her work in directing dialogues for this network. In her prior work in GAO’s Applied Research and Methods team, she specialized in foresight issues with attention to methods in the context of an accountability organization. Ms. Donovan has addressed U.S. and international audiences on government foresight as well as writing about the role of evidence for public management. She has directed numerous projects resulting in reports and testimonies to the U.S. Congress on issues in such areas as: science policy, public health, long-term care, highway safety and new technologies, and privacy and confidentiality of medical and other records. Ms. Donovan has a Master of Public Administration from Syracuse University’s Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs.
Nicolas Francisco Arroyo is Partner & Head of Strategic Foresight at Manyone, a strategy-design consultancy shaping everything that’s next.
Nicole has been championing futures work in the Philippines including through the Philippine Futures Thinking Society (PhilFutures), the Center for Engaged Foresight (CEF), and the Association of Professional Futurists (APF). Her project aims to strengthen indigenous and community foresight by developing decolonized Filipino futures through Hiraya Foresight, working with rural communities to bring their voices into the conversation.
Dr. Nigel D’Silva is a Senior Advisor, Professor, Senior Fellow DRaS and GLO Global Fellow based in Mumbai. He is currently an Adjunct and Empanelled Faculty in Economics and Finance at the prestigious Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai. He has more than twenty five years of rich experience in strategic advisory, risk, economic advisory, analytics, academics and industry. He is on the Editorial Advisory Boards of International Journal of Economics and Finance (Canada), Global Journal of Management and Business (USA), Indian Journal of Economics, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Insight (Emerald) and an Advisory Council Member at Harvard Business Review (HBR). Dr. Nigel D’Silva has published research papers in leading international journals such as Emerald, Sage and Global Journals. He is on the review panel of the Journal Information Technology & People (Emerald Insight) and the International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management (InderScience).
Nikos Kastrinos is an independent scholar, former EU official and R&I policy advisor with the governments of Greece, Cyprus and Ireland. He was, until recently, with DG R&I of the European Commission for 27 years, the last 12 of which he was responsible for foresight. Before joining the European Commission he was a research fellow at PREST, Manchester University. He has been active in the research and policy communities for 35 years as a leader, teacher, practitioner and mentor in foresight, innovation policy and evaluation.
Olga Remneva (based in Tel Aviv, Israel) – PhD in cultural studies, art&science and technology-based expert, curator, art historian, educator, futurist. Founder and curator of VZOR Lab, associate professor at ITMO University. TEDx speaker, Next Generation Foresight Practitioners fellow. 10 exhibitions curated, 10+ educational programs designed, 350+ hours of lectures and public talks given in dozens of cities and at international online events. Working with communities of arts and culture professionals, science and tech guys, futurists; teenagers and students; business companies and corporate trainings; general public and wider audience.
Olga Shaeva is a trends and futures researcher. She is co-founder of Algorithm Trend Intelligence (Lille, France) – a startup developing digital trend intelligence toolbox that helps monitor emerging trends and weak signals of change, create future visions and act on future opportunities ahead of the curve. Olga has been working on developing proprietary methodology of trendwatching and futures research and applying it to solve challenges for companies in the CIS, EEMEA and global market since 2016. Before that she had worked in media research and had done academic research in the field of social structure, change and transformation. Olga holds a PhD in sociology. Olga is part of Trend Locals trendspotters network, Radar DAO, Next Generation Foresight Practitioners (NGFP) Fellow and winner of the 2022 education award.
Olivia is Head of Strategy at the Wellcome Sanger Institute, a genomics research institute in Cambridge, UK. She’s also part of the strategy team at the Wellcome Trust, a global charitable foundation that works to ensure everyone can benefit from science’s potential to improve health and save lives. She’s particularly interested in futures and foresight for strategy development and as an amateur futures practitioner uses futures and foresight techniques in her work to develop strategy, understand emerging risks and currently to convene stakeholders around future opportunities for genomics research to have impact.
Osmar Coelho Filho is an engineer that holds a certificate degree in Sustainable Food Systems and Agroecology from the University of California, and a master’s degree in Sustainable Development from the Center for Sustainable Development, CDS, University of Brasília, UnB. He is a Ph.D. candidate in the Environmental Technology and Water Resources graduate program, Ptarh, the University of Brasilia working with Water Security and Water Crises around the world. Osmar Coelho Filho was the 2010’s recipient of the HSBC Bank National Award on Sustainable Development with a project on the Future of Agroecology and Organic Food in Rio de Janeiro city. He was a Latin American fellow of Youth for Environmental Sanity working with Sustainability and Foresight education. He also was a fellow of Global Exchange as a local coordinator of the Reality tour program that helped to connect citizens around the world on behalf of social and environmental justice. He was an assistant researcher at Institut for Applied Social and Economic Research, IPEA working, and associate researcher at CDS-UnB where he develop several projects and analyses: “The National Plan of Green Procurement”, “The Future of Bicycling in Brazil”, “How to improve the Circular Economy in Brazil?”, “Sustainability Education for Engineers”. He created a method of scenario planning based on perception anthropology called Strategy Matrix. Fields of Expertise: Environmental Planning and Governance, Interdisciplinary Methods, Scenario Planning, Circular Economy, Design Thinking, Sustainability, and Foresight Education.
Paul Hunter is a Deputy Programme Director and Lecturer in Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour at the Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow. He is also a Senior Fellow, having been recognised for his contributions to Higher Education. Paul’s research specialisms focus on organisational justice during performance assessments, alternative work systems’ impact on productivity and performance, equality and diversity, and the impact of dark side behaviours in the workplace. Previously, he worked as a management consultant for a number of years in the areas of Employee Relations, Organisational Development and Socio-Technical Systems. In this capacity he has worked with a number of organisations.
Prof. Prabhat Ranjan is currently Vice-Chancellor of D Y Patil International University, Pune. He is a Nuclear Fusion Scientist, a Futurist, an Educator, an Innovator and a Science Communicator. From 2013-18, he was heading India’s Technology Think Tank, TIFAC(Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council) in Delhi. During his tenure, TIFAC developed Technology Vision 2035, which was released by Hon’ble PM in Jan 2016. For developing this document, he trained scientists in TIFAC in foresight methodologies, which led to improvement in quality of document as well as its impact. He was also part of Govt Foresight Organizations Network(GFN) and associated with World Future Society and School of International Futures(SOIF), UK. Prof. Ranjan has worked on Nuclear Fusion in India and USA and made major contributions to this field for nearly two decades. He served as Professor at DA-IICT, Gandhinagar for 11 years. His remarkable contributions include India’s Moon Mission and Wildlife. He is particularly known for his innovations in the field of assistive technology that has helped to put smiles on the faces of persons with severe disability. He obtained his Ph.D from University of California, Berkeley and did college education from IIT Kharagpur and University of Delhi after schooling from Netarhat School.
Probal is the Co-founder and CEO of the trans-disciplinary design-led collective, D.epicentre. He works on the interfaces of business, entrepreneurship, learning, design, innovation and storytelling. With leadership experience strengthening his ability to manage cross-cultural & cross-functional virtual teams in complex matrix organisations, he has a passion for driving content & culture driven organisations beyond corporate-based setups. He has been able to design effective, improved products/services and solutions, serve customers and build successful teams/coalitions through processes of design-led innovation, Lean Six Sigma, learning theories and business storytelling. Previously, Probal was a program manager, business transformation, sales, customer experience and client engagement lead with over 20 years of experience. In different leadership roles he has managed diverse global programs in 7 countries, working with Fortune50 MNCs such as and FTSE10 banks such as the Lloyds Banking Group. His experience ranges from start-ups, process consulting & analytics, offshoring/shared services, aviation, social and cultural enterprises to academia. His multifaceted experience includes: Executive coaching, mentoring and enabling ideation, collaboration, adaptation and transformation, Facilitating co-creation amongst diverse stakeholders and using resulting synergies to design solutions, Communicating through strategic narratives, Designing organisational monitoring and evaluation systems, Delivering high level operational initiatives including problem framing, problem solving and deal structuring, Building, engaging and energising large teams, Winning new business, setting up global programs and delivery sites, global service delivery & excellence, strategic project and change management, ownership & delivery of organizational P&L goals. Probal is an engineer, an alumnus of IIM Calcutta and BITS Pilani, as also an ASQ Certified Six Sigma Black Belt.
Pupul is director of foresight and design at Horizon 2045, where she leads a diverse portfolio of futures and foresight projects exploring the future of human & planetary security. A multidisciplinary designer, futurist, and winner of the Joseph Jaworski Next Generation Foresight Practitioners Award, she previously served as creative lead in the Next Generation Foresight Practice at School of International Futures (SOIF). A recognized thought leader in culturally inclusive practices in design and futures, she is founder of the Decolonizing Futures Initiative, a global project to engage marginalized communities in imagining their preferred futures, and the youngest founding member of Action Foresight’s “Global Swarm,” an internationally distributed team of futurists, researchers, and innovators.
Puruesh Chaudhary is a futures researcher and strategic narrative professional. Featured amongst the World’s top female futurists. She is a Distinguished Fellow 2015 at the Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad and a Senior Fellow at the Institute of National Security Studies of Sri Lanka. Chaudhary is on the Editorial Board for the Journal of Future Robot Life. She is a Member Network of Global Future Councils of the World Economic Forum on the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Chaudhary is an ASPEN Alumni, a member and an advisor to the World Futures Society and is on the Planning Committee of the Millennium-Project (Global Futures Studies and Research), she is the Founding Member of the Plurality University Network. She is the Founder and President of AGAHI, a non-governmental organization, which works extensively on creating shared spaces for interactive learning, collaborative thinking and knowledge sharing. Chaudhary has a professional master’s degree in International Negotiation and Policymaking from Institut De Hautes Études Internationales Et Du Développement, Geneva. Chaudhary is a Harvard University, Singularity University Alumni; and of the National Defence University in Pakistan.
Professor of Heritage Evidence, Foresight and Policy at UCL’s Institute for Sustainable Heritage
Head, Futures Literacy, UNESCO, Paris Riel Miller started his career at the OECD in Paris in 1982 in the Economics Department. Completed his PhD in Economics at the New School for Social Research in 1987. From 1985 to 1993 he worked for the Ontario Government, in the legislature and as a senior manager in the Ontario public service (Ministries of Finance; Universities; and Industry). In 1995 he returned to the OECD to work in the International Futures Programme and with the Centre for Educational Research and Innovation. In 2005 he founded an independent consultancy – xperidox (which means knowledge through experience) to advise public and private sector clients from around the world on how to use the future more effectively. In 2012 he joined UNESCO as Head of Foresight.
Sam is co-founder and Managing Director of ForgeFront, a futures and foresight firm. An ex-civil servant, he previously worked for the EU Institutions, the UK Cabinet Office and the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. His expertise lies is advising ministers, C-suite executives and senior officials on linking futures to strategy and policy change. ForgeFront has worked for the British Government, international governments, and a range of private and third sector clients. They partner on much of their work with the US-based Good Judgment Inc. Sam has a passion for lifelong learning, monotasking and mental health in the workplace. He sits on the board of a gaming company and is a certified data analyst. When not at his desk he is nerding out about the latest tech, in the gym, or trying his optimistic best to make accurate superforecasts.
Chair, The Association of Professional Futurists Futures Thinking Supervising Fellow and Faculty, Development Academy of the Philippines. Lecturer, University of the Philippines National College of Public Administration and Governance. Co-founder and Vice President, Philippine Futures Thinking Society. Chair, Millennium Project Philippines Node Regional Editor, Journal of Futures Studies. Certified Business Continuity Professional and Associate Member, Business Continuity Institute. Consultant, Business Continuity Management Advisory Services, John Clements Inc.
Sohail Inayatullah, UNESCO Chair in Futures Studies, Sejahtera Centre for Sustainability and Humanity, IIUM. Professor, Tamkang University. Futurist-in-residence, Government of Abu Dhabi, Culture and Tourism.
Steven Kenney is the founder and principal of Foresight Vector LLC, a firm providing specialized advisory services in strategic foresight, strategy development and implementation, organizational culture, organizational change, and leader development. Recognized for his expertise in strategic foresight, for more than twenty-five years he has advised government, corporate, and non-profit sector organizations on how to create their future. He has led advisory engagements for the top executives in General Dynamics, Boeing, CSX Transportation, Bayer, Heinz, and CIT Group among other leading private sector corporations. He has also led engagements for top-level officials in dozens of U.S. and other nations’ defense, intelligence, and civil government agencies, including for the head of the U.S. Navy’s healthcare enterprise, the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, and the heads of EPA, NASA, and FDA among other civil government agencies. Steven’s work helps client organizations and their leadership teams define their direction and adapt their plans, people, processes, and more to be able to achieve their greatest success. In addition to his work in and leadership of Foresight Vector, he is also the director of the Strategic Foresight Initiative program at The Middle East Institute, a leading Washington DC-based think tank; and a Senior Advisor at MatchPace, a firm helping organizations reimagine their work processes and organizational cultures. Prior to founding Foresight Vector, Steven was an Executive in Residence at N2Growth, a global leadership advisory services firm. Prior to that, he was a Vice President at Monitor 360 (formed from Global Business Network, the scenario-based strategy advisory practice of Art of the Long View author Peter Schwartz), and a Partner for more than a decade in Toffler Associates, the executive advisory firm founded by world-renowned futurist Alvin Toffler. Steven holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of California and a Master’s degree from Columbia University, and attended Executive Education programs at Harvard Business School and at the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania.
Dr. Steven Lichty is based in Nairobi, Kenya and is a co-founder and managing partner of REAL Consulting Group, a boutique firm focused on research, evaluation, applied learning, and strategic foresight. He has nearly 25 years’ experience in various sectors across Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America, including those in post-conflict, transitional, and fragile environments. Additionally, he has worked with academic and research capacity building with three universities in Kenya and has worked with a range of clients including the World Bank, Save the Children, Freedom House, Tearfund, Mars, Inc., USAID, etc. Steven’s PhD is in African Studies but incorporated a multi-disciplinary approach in his studies and included insight from religion, development studies, anthropology, and political theory. His current research focuses on the nexus of community-led trauma healing, futures consciousness, and the Triple Dividend.
Sudebi Thakurata is a narrative designer, creative facilitator, educator, writer and futurist. She designs experiences, engagement and environment that allow people to think, have dialogue, make their thinking and interaction visible and thus enable them to design their own solutions and narratives using different modes and media. A facilitator at Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology, Sudebi has co-founded the transdisciplinary design collective, D.epicentre. She is also a Creative Facilitator of SEAΔ, a trans-national cross-cultural leadership programme curated by Mekong Cultural Hub and British Council. A global UNLEASH talent, Sudebi started a unique pedagogy, art and design led trans-local initiative “The Archival City- a Site of Learning’. She is one of the six international experts co-creating a ‘Fair Collaboration Toolkit’ for EUNIC where she is also currently leading the design team.
Sultan is an expert in economic, social and political affairs of the MENA region, working in various high-profile positions in Jordan and the Sultanate of Oman. He previously served as a Policy Analyst at the National Policy Council and at the Economic and Social affairs Directorate at the Office of His Majesty King Abdullah II at the Royal Hashemite Court of Jordan. In 2017, Sultan was appointed as a Senior Economist for Oman Vision 2040 at Levenbert Consultancy at the Supreme Planning Council in Oman. Furthermore, Sultan is currently an independent consultant for the World Bank Group, supporting their work on labor strategies, social protection, and skills development in the MENA region, and for the UNDP, supporting their work in Iraq and Kurdistan Region.
Focal Area Lead, Strategic Foresight, UN Global Pulse
Tom started his career as an attorney, specialised in commercial and international law. After a short period of time, he decided to make a drastic change and he joined the Belgian armed Forces to become an Intelligence Officer. Throughout his military career, he held various functions as a Commander, Staff officer, Collector and Analyst, both domestically and internationally, deployed in several operations. In his last 6 years in the military, he was a part of the personal staff of the Head of The General Intelligence and Security Service where he was the in charge of the Strategic Foresight Project. Recently, he pursued new endeavors and joined the Corporate Security team of Solvay as the Security and Threat Intelligence Manager. He is a Foresight Practitioner and holds a Masters degree in Law, Tax, a PgD in Business Administration and has multiple certificates in Intelligence Coordination, Collection and Analysis.
Research Director, Institute for the Future Wayne believes deeply in the power of futures thinking to shape a better future. He is currently a Research Director with Institute for the Future where he helps organizations in the public and private sectors imagine better futures. He is especially passionate about creating more just and sustainable societies. Wayne has previously worked at Kantar, Forum for the Future, UNDP, and what is now Deloitte Monitor. He holds a Master’s in Environmental Policy from Lund University and a BA in History from UC Berkeley.
Wendy Schultz is an academically trained futurist with over forty years of global foresight practice. She has designed futures research projects for NGOs, government agencies, and businesses, and with her colleagues at SAMI Consulting recently completed four global scenarios and multiple regional scenarios on the futures of research and innovation in a post-COVID world. Wendy specializes in participatory futures workshops – most recently online for the ILO and the International Institute of Islamic Thought; other examples include face-to-face workshops offering foresight training in Kuala Lumpur and Istanbul; at A Temporary Futures Institute at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Antwerp; In Cairo for the ILO; for Africa Knows in Arusha, Tanzania; and with the Geneva Centre for Security Policy in Bangkok, New York, and Geneva. Wendy teaches futures studies in the Masters Program in Strategic Foresight at the University of Houston; is a Fellow of the Geneva Centre for Security Policy; a Senior Fellow of the Center for Post-Normal Policy and Futures Studies; a member of the Association of Professional Futurists; a Fellow of the World Futures Studies Federation; and a Fellow of the Royal Society for the Arts. She is Director of Infinite Futures and Futures Puzzlemaster at Jigsaw Foresight.
Zhan Li, Partner at Actus Partners and Head of Strategy & Impact Committee at the Jamaica Actus Small & Medium Enterprises Fund (JASMEF).
Adanna is currently the Senior Global Manager at the Royal Society of Arts (RSA) based in London. As a self confessed International Relations nerd, she is responsible for harnessing global insights in the RSA’s research and for the implementation of its global strategy. She is passionate about adult literacy, curious about the future and interested in inspiring young people to envision a better global future.
Dr Benedetta Berti is Head of Policy Planning in the Office of the Secretary General at NATO. She is also Associate Researcher at the Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy at Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Visiting Professor at the College of Europe and a Senior Fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute. An Eisenhower Global Fellow and a TED Senior Fellow, in the past decade Benedetta has held research and teaching positions at West Point, The Institute for National Security Studies and Tel Aviv University, among others. Dr. Berti is the author of four books, including “Armed Political Organizations. From Conflict to Integration” (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013). Her work and research have appeared, among others, in Foreign Policy, Foreign Affairs, the National Interest, the Wall Street Journal and The New York Times; as well as in Civil Wars, Democratization, Government & Opposition, Mediterranean Politics, the Middle East Journal, Parameters, Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, Terrorism and Political Violence. She holds a BA in Oriental Studies from the University of Bologna, and a MA and PhD in International Relations from The Fletcher School (Tufts University)
I explore the future of global development, humanitarian innovation and our environment, focusing on the role of nascent sociotechnical systems as a catalyst for positive social change. Currently, I lead ‘Skills and Capabilities Building’ within Elrha’s Humanitarian Innovation Fund, developing new tools and resources for staff, grantees and the wider humanitarian community.sPreviously, I lead research on distributed ledger technology-based cash and voucher assistance for communities in Vanuatu with Oxfam Australia. I also taught social innovation practices for the emerging contexts of the Anthropocene at RMIT, and patient-centred design as part of a research partnership with the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre.sI am a co-founder of the fledgling social impact design studio Of_Substance and the socially conscious food journal Scrag End.
Prof Dr Amb Colette Mazzucelli is President (Academia) Global Listening Centre,, and Lead Editor with James Felton Keith of the Anthem Press Ethics of Personal Data Collection Series, As a member of the graduate faculty at NYU New York, she teaches blended and virtual seminars across Schools in conflict resolution, radicalization & religion, international relations in the post-Cold War era, ethnic conflict, and Europe in the 21st Century. A recipient of the NYU SPS Excellence in Teaching Award 2013, Prof Mazzucelli has participated in the Parallel Histories conference in the House of Lords and the CFR-Lumina Foundation Global Literacy Advisory Group.
RequestedDaniel is an impact-driven ML/AI new technologies, innovation R&D manager with over 15 years experience in project, risk and security management at the intersection between academia, applied research, the humanitarian sector and the industry.sAt CERN he led large-scale data analysis R&D projects and co-funded THE Port humanitarian hackathons at CERN. At the United Nations hosted Global Humanitarian Lab he headed the strategic foresight technology workstream. Daniel specialised in big data and graph analysis using traditional data, visualisation and artificial intelligence / machine learning methods and co-founded the data analysis start-up gluoNNet AG.sHe teaches Artificial Intelligence at the Geneva Business School and is an honorary researcher at Lancaster University.
Enric Bas. Phd in Sociology. Professor of Foresight and Social Innovation at the University of Alicante (Spain). Director of FUTURLAB-Creative Futures.
Fátima has focused her career on sustainable development and how foresight can improve public policies. As Senior Civil Servant, she developed skills and practice in scenario planning and trend/scanning methods, integrated several foresight exercises with national, regional and sectorial scopes. More recently, Fátima collaborated with FCG’ “Foresight Portugal 2030” project, that crossed economic and financial, demographic, social, technological, environmental, geoeconomics and geopolitical issues to explore three alternative scenarios;
Dr. John A. Sweeney is an award-winning author, designer, and futurist. As a practitioner, consultant, and educator, John has organized, managed, and facilitated workshops and seminars, multi-stakeholder projects, and foresight gaming systems in over 45 countries on five continents with participants from around the world. At present, John is a Senior Research Fellow at Westminster International University in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. He also currently serves as Co-Editor-in-Chief of World Futures Review: A Journal of Strategic Foresight. John has worked with numerous universities, international development and humanitarian aid agencies, nonprofit foundations, Fortune 500 companies, and educational and cultural organizations, such as Asia Development Bank, Humanity United, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, GIZ, INTERPOL, NESTA, Oxfam International, The Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, the World Health Organization, and numerous UN agencies. Additionally, he has experience working with public sector and civil service foresight and innovation units, such as Singapore’s Centre for Strategic Futures, Georgia’s Public Service Development Agency, and Dubai’s Mohammed Bin Rashid Centre for Government Innovation. John also served as a Researcher at the Hawaii Research Center for Futures Studies from 2009 to 2014. From 2014 to 2018, John worked as Deputy Director at the Centre for Postnormal Policy and Futures Studies. In December 2018, John completed his PhD focused in Alternative Futures from the University of Hawaii at Mānoa under the direction of Dr. Jim Dator. He is a member of the World Futures Studies Federation and the Association of Professional Futurists.
Judith Kaulem is a development practitioner, researcher and social policy analyst with over 20 years of working experience. She is currently the Executive Director of the Poverty Reduction Forum Trust, a civil society organization in Zimbabwe, where she oversees and pushes the organization’s vision of influencing development policies so that they put people at the centre with a focus on a life of dignity for all. She has spearheaded work that advances the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals and participates in various SDGs-related platforms, holds different roles towards advancing policies for sustainable and inclusive development. Judith is passionate about enhancing impact of social change programs that address vulnerability, injustice and inequality. Judith holds a Masters degree in Adult Education with a focus on development from the University of Zimbabwe and several professional certifications. She serves on several Boards locally and has also served on Advisory Boards globally.
Maggie Greyson is a global award-winning Futurist for her mastery in futures thinking and design. Throughout her career she has helped individuals, organizations, and governments to think long-term, find surprising opportunities, and unintended consequences. Maggie’s practice with new formats for storytelling garners international attention as a writer, facilitator, speaker, and brand communications expert. She teaches, facilitates futures thinking workshops, and is a guest lecturer at universities across North America.
Mr. Kinaci is a visionary Futurist and a true believer of integrating Strategic Foresight into decision-making be it in governments, international organizations or in the private sector. He holds a B.Sc. in Civil Engineering; has earned his M.A. in International Relations; is a graduate of the NATO Executive Development Programme; and is a PhD Candidate at the Graduate Program in International Studies at the Old Dominion University. He has served at both the strategic and operational levels at NATO and National HQs, and has been involved in NATO operations in the Balkans, Mediterranean, Afghanistan and has participated in such NATO programmes as the Partnership for Peace and Mediterranean Dialogue. His main responsibilities included long-term strategy, foresight, and campaign assessment.
Monica specializes in peacebuilding through strategic foresight and the intersection between gender, peace and security. Her practitioner experience and research interests include diplomacy, geopolitics and legitimacy-building of security institutions in democratic environments.sShe co-directs the Strategic Foresight Course and she is Associate at the Strategic Anticipation Cluster, GCSP. Regular speaker and facilitator of workshops on foresight for NGO’s, international organizations and governments on topics impacting the global security environment as gender-based violence prevention, energy transition, challenges for science development, and institutional change for security agencies (police and army).sMonica joined in 2018 the judge panel for the Joseph Jaworski Next Generation Foresight Practitioners Award, annual recognition of innovative strategic foresight projects. Since 2019 Monica is a member of the OECD Government Foresight Community, the WIIS (Women in International Security) Next Generation Fellows, and Amassuru: Women in Security and Defense in Latin America and the Caribbean.sMonica holds a MAS in International and European Security from the University of Geneva and the GCSP, an MBA from IPADE Business School and a BA in Political Science from ITAM.sMonica is Mexican and speaks English and Spanish; understands German and French, and has basic knowledge of Finnish.
Murray works in the strategy and scenario space helping leaders across sectors to reflect upon the future and what it means for their current strategy and Leadership approach. He is an alumni of The Oxford Executive Development Programme and The Oxford Scenario Planning Approach. He is the Head Tutor for The Oxford Executive Strategy Programme and facilitates on the Scenario programme, a Global Practioner (Strategy) at Strathclyde Business School and works on post graduate programmes at The Adam Smith Business School. Recently his work has been on algorithmic bias, digitisation strategy and policy formulation as well as pandemic strategic responses and what they mean for organisations. Murray has led a number of large scale, complex, transformation strategies and has deep experience of navigating players and partners. As well as working on “wicked” problems Murray has been involved in Continuous Improvement Leadership introducing new approaches to how to solve “technical” problems. Murray is also involved in setting up local food sustainability projects, reducing digital exclusion and runs a Philosophy for children group.
Aarathi Krishnan specialises in anticipatory governance for the humanitarian and development sectors. She is currently the Senior Advisor for Strategic Foresight for UNDP, where she is designing a systems approach across the Asia Pacific Bureau to build anticipatory capacities and decision intelligence to see, manage and respond to short and long term risk signals, policies and investments. Specifically she is working on anticipatory risk processes that blend a wide range of risk and crisis indicators across economic, geopolitical, technological, social, environment and cultural data points to inform institutional responses to emerging risk issues. In addition, she is also an Affiliate at Berkman Klein Centre for Internet and Society at Harvard University as well as a 2020-21 and 2021-22 Technology and Human Rights Fellow at the Harvard Carr Centre for Technology and Human Rights. The focus of her research is on Foresight and Decolonial Tech Ethics in Humanitarian Tech Governance. Previously, she has supported a range of international humanitarian organisations on embedding institutional foresight and global strategy to drive institutional and systems transformation, including the UN Resident Coordinators, UNV, the World Bank, UNHCR, MSF, ICRC and IFRC .
April Michele, Executive Director, has worked in official capacity with Future Problem Solving Program International (FPSPI) since 2012 and part of the program since 2003. With a background in advanced curriculum strategies and highly engaging learning techniques, April enjoys being part of a student-driven organization designed to promote students as leaders. Expertise includes pedagogy and strategies for critical and creative thinking. April has filled multiple roles providing quality educational services for students and adults in both the United States and internationally. Melding personal and professional interest, April enjoys adventure in the outdoors with her husband and two grown children, gardening, and creating new healthy recipes in the kitchen blending diverse ingredients!
Argen is a retired teacher from Georgia, USA. She is the Affiliate Director for the Georgia Future Problem Solving Program and a member of the Board of Trustees for Future Problem Solving Program International. She is dedicated to the mission of FPSPI to develop the ability of young people globally to design and achieve positive futures through problem solving using critical and creative thinking.
Björn Theis is Head of Foresight at Creavis, the strategic innovation unit and business incubator of Evonik AG. He holds a master’s degree in cultural anthropology, philosophy, and English from the University of Cologne. Björn Theis teaches futures research at various universities, is the founder of the Conjectural Futures Network, and is a member of the Future Circle of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Currently he works on the foresight project “Sustainable Food Futures 2040”, which investigates how to enable healthy and sustainable nutrition for the world’s population of tomorrow.
M in Economics and Management of Science, Technology and Innovation, with a focus on Future Studies, by the Superior Institute of Economics and Management of the University of Lisbon. Other training in Foresight and Designing Ethical Futures held in Lisbon (ISEG) and Copenhagen (CIID). Her Master’s research project aimed to identify images of the future of young Brazilians in relation to the future of work, their expectations and desires. More than 15 years of experience in the areas of Management, Marketing, Digital Transformation and Futures in companies in Brazil and Portugal. She is on the board of the Brazilian hub of Teach The Future, a global movement dedicated to bringing future literacy to students and educators around the world. Entrepreneur and Foresight consultant by Guia Futurabilidade. Undergraduate Professor at IDP – Brazilian Institute of Education, Development and Research in Brasília/Brazil.
Chris is a Partner at We Create Futures, a Foresight and Strategic Innovation practice based New Zealand. We Create Futures work on high-value strategic projects using futures thinking, research and design. They use participatory approaches to support people in thinking critically and creatively in realising their preferred futures. Their clients range from small community organisations to well-known commercial brands in New Zealand and overseas. For the last two decades, Chris has worked across industrial, service and strategic design in the UK and New Zealand. Before starting We Create Futures, Chris was Service Innovation Director at leading New Zealand customer experience agency, DNA, where he specialised in strategic innovation for clients including Z Energy, Kiwibank, The Electricity Authority and the Ministry for Primary Industries. Chris is a regular speaker and presenter who has keynoted and spoken for audiences in New Zealand, Australia, UK, USA, Ireland, Singapore, Peru and Iran.
Dr. Claire Nelson is Chief Ideation Leader of The Futures Forum, a research and education practice specializing in bringing the power of strategic foresight and the discipline of sustainability engineering to challenges facing organizations and communities. A member of the Association of Professional Futurists, she serves on the Board of the World Futures Studies Federation and as Editor-At-Large of their HUMAN FUTURES Magazine, as well as on the Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal of Futures Studies. An award-winning playwright, her book ‘SMART Futures for a Flourishing World’, takes us to the future with stories that illuminate paths of hope. Before establishing The Futures Forum, Dr. Nelson conjured change at the Inter-American Development Bank over a thirty-year career, pioneering the Bank’s development with equity agenda, and strategic foresight as a tool for engendering development effectiveness. As result of her leadership, the Bank honored her with its coveted Ortiz Mena Award. Dr. Nelson is recognized as the Architect of the Campaign for National Caribbean American Heritage Month. She holds a Doctorate in Engineering Management from the George Washington University. Dr. Nelson, honored as a White House Champion of Change, was named among the Top 50 Female Futurists on
Fash has over 9 years of experience as a Social Entrepreneur, Community Connector and Educator, being at the center of connecting citizens with the private and public institutions. He is a Creative Writer and a Certified Catalyst Coach, leveraging on his gifts to help communities uncover their wisdom and resource, then mobilize these to create action for a sustainable future for all. He is the Chief Listener at Prikkle Academy where he co-creates ‘chaos’ in the Educational system, by creating ‘schools without teachers’ and decentralizing learning and solutions. He is the award recipient of the 2018 Talent of the Future Award (Ideation Hub, Lagos), OD 2018 Challenge Runners-up Winner and World Top 100 Social Entrepreneurs (Social Enablers, India). He is a Fellow at Global People’s Fellowship, Canvassity Pan-African Youth Fellowship, African Changemakers Fellowship, Dalai Lama Fellows, Social Innovators Program of LEAP Africa and Leadership Fellowship. He sits as an Advisory Board at Inspire Africa and Voluculture, Kenya.
Father, ludologist, futurist, designer, researcher, educator and consultant. Master’s degree in Design (CESAR School), postgraduate degree in Strategic Design (ESPM-RJ) and graduated in Industrial Design (UNESA). Pedagogical Director at École 42|Rio, responsible for designing educational programs and pedago. CEO of D+1 Design & Games, specialized in developing ludocentric solutions and learning experiences, with a focus on promoting social impact and socio-emotional skills, through analog or digital approaches. Business associate at VTURE, a company that develops immersive experiences with emerging technologies and consultancy in Futures Thinking. Chapter Leader Southwest Region, ludologist and associate member. Responsible for TTF at Southwest region connections and for adaptations of Teach The Future Brazil’s tools and educational methodologies with ludic approaches and learning games. Teach The Future is a global movement of researchers and futurists that inserts the methodologies and tools of Future Studies / Futurism at all levels of education. Winner of SBGames 2019 for Best Brazilian Game in the category of Other Platforms with the game ToteMinions, winner of Festival Rebeldias 2020 with the game Radio Pirata and also finalist in the 38th Édition du Concours international de Créateurs de Jeux de Société de Boulogne-Billancourt, SBGames and Festival Rebeldias for 2 consecutive years.
Prof Daniella Tilbury, Commissioner for Sustainable Development and Future Generations, Gibraltar; UNECE government focal point (UK) on Sustainability Education.
Doris Viljoen is a senior futurist at the Institute for Futures Research of the University of Stellenbosch Business School. She lectures The Principles of Futures Studies, Scenario Planning, and Applied Futures Studies on the Post-Graduate Diploma and the M Phil in Futures Studies at the University of Stellenbosch Business School. As senior futurist, Doris is responsible for commissioned research projects, facilitating foresight workshops and editing a suite of publications. She endeavours to interpret global as well as local trends and assess their relevance for South Africa and Africa. She has specialised skills in environmental scanning, the application of foresight methodology, and scenario planning.
Learning experience designer, self-directed researcher on shame culture and the importance of vulnerability in education, and scholar on futures literacy. Lectures, workshops, mentorships and teacher training, and advises schools on autonomy in education. Creator of the Guia do Estudo Perfeito methodology on the Descomplica platform. Five international lectures: TEDx & SXSWEdu speaker. Member of Talents of Education of the Lemann Foundation & Teach The Future Org. Mentor of Toti, Ensina Brasil and Iniciativa Jovem Shell. ambassador of the Igarapé Institute. Author of the book “How to Learn Better” by Amazon. Over two decades of experience with education & learning.
Deputy Director, EU Institute for Security Studies, where she is in charge of coordinating research activities. In addition, she works on strategic foresight, as well as security and conflict in the Middle East and North Africa.
I lead Forum for the Future’s futures programme, and oversee our participatory digital Futuring platform – The Futures Centre ( My work is focused on stewarding Forum’s horizon scanning and sensemaking work, as well as conceptualising and delivering our futures thought leadership. I have designed and run many of Forum’s collaborative initiatives which have used futures tools and techniques to create sustainable change, from Dairy 2020 back in the day, to Tea 2030 and Protein Challenge more recently. I am passionate about food systems work in particular.
Jim has over 30 years’ experience within the public & private sectors as both a management consultant & civil servant. He has worked at the most senior levels in UK government on strategy development, policy implementation, change management, and programme / project management. Jim was a partner at PA Consulting working with a range of public sector clients (including DWP, Environment Agency and MoD and it’s agencies) before re-joining the civil service, where, as Strategy Director at HM Revenue and Customs he established the new strategy unit and developed the first corporate strategy for the new department.
Retired Management Consultant After flirting with school teaching following a Modern Languages degree, Joe qualified as a Chartered Accountant with the firm which is now EY. Initially working on audit and investigations, he then ran the national training department. That lead him to set up a training and education consultancy unit working with blue chip organisations. He was then recruited by a US firm, Omega Performance, specialising in the financial services sector, to establish their European arm. On Omega’s acquisition by a competitor, Joe established his own firm, Setanta Performance. In parallel he was Chairman of the Whittington NHS Hospital in North London for six years.
Dr Julius Gatune is a policy analyst, a consultant and a futurist. His is currently a Senior Project Consultant with the Maastricht School of Management (MSM), Netherlands. He is also the UNESCO Chair of Future Literacy Laboratory at Dedan Kimathi University of Science and Technology (DeKUT). He is also a Senior Policy Advisor/Expert with the African Centre for Economic Transformation (ACET). Dr Gatune has previously worked at McKinsey & Co as a management consultant. He also worked at the Frederick S. Pardee Centre for Study Longer Range Futures at Boston University and the Frederick S Pardee Centre for International Futures at the University of Denver working on a number of projects that that looked explored the drivers of futures of Africa. He is an editor with the Journal of Future Studies. He was also part of the World Economic Forum Global Strategic Foresight Community (GFSC) that help shape the agenda on emerging issues that should be part of the global policy agenda for 2015 WEF Davos Summit. He holds a Ph. D in Policy Analsis for the Pardee RAND Graduate School in California USA, and Masters in Computer Science from the University of Cambridge, UK and a BSc in Civil Engineering, University of Nairobi.
I am a 33-year old Estonian working and living in Finland. I work as a project officer in the Union of the Baltic Cities Sustainable Cities Commission. UBC Sustainable Cities Commission is an organization acting as an enabler and a connector for the cities in the Baltic Sea Region to develop sustainable urban development projects in a collaborative manner. Educational background is diverse – with bachelor’s degrees in Education and Business Administration & Master’s degree in Futures Studies. I am also a mother of four boys – therefore, investing in the youth is something close to my heart also in the daily life
Chilean professional with a background in social science, innovation management and S&T policy. Sociologist, M.Sc. in Sociology and MPA in Development, Technology and Innovation Policy (University College London). Open innovation consultant at Wayra Hispam. University lecturer at Universidad del Desarrollo (Chile). More than 13 years of experience supporting governments, corporations and startups in Latin America and the Caribbean. Most recently I have led scenario building workshops for corporations in Chile, Perú and Paraguay.
I am a futurist, strategist, business executive, musician, engineer and project manager. I started my career as an electrical engineer, from where I grew into managing projects in the aviation sector. After obtaining an MPhil in Futures Studies from Stellenbosch University my responsibilities shifted to corporate foresight and strategic management. This mix of skills has allowed me to work across the entire planet. But no matter where my work takes me, I always look forward to returning home to my beautiful Cape Town. Besides jamming music with my friends, I feel most passionate about helping to build a better future for my city, my country, and my continent.
Mathew Burrows, PhD serves as director of the Atlantic Council’s Foresight, Strategy, and Risks Initiative (FSR) and is one of the leading experts on strategic foresight and global trend analysis. In 2013 he retired from a 28-year long career in the State Department and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the last 10 years of which he spent at the National Intelligence Council (NIC), the premier analytic unit in the US Intelligence Community. In 2007, Burrows was appointed Counselor, the number three position in the NIC, and was the principal drafter for the NIC publication Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds, which received widespread recognition and praise in the international media. In 2005, he was asked to set up and direct the NIC’s new Long Range Analysis Unit, which is now known as the Strategic Futures Group. Other positions included assignments as deputy national security advisor to Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill (2001-02), special assistant to the UN Ambassador Richard Holbrooke (1999-2001), and first holder of the intelligence community fellowship at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York (1998-1999). Burrows received a BA in American and European history from Wesleyan University and a PhD in European history from the University of Cambridge.
I have lived in Northern California for the last 25 years working with large media companies and start up ventures in online publishing and search technologies. I was on the founding team for Wired News,, NewsStand (Austin Texas) and Presently, I am teaching Innovation at Santa Rosa Junior College and serve as Vice President of North Bay Angels, an investment group. My consulting company, Macabbey & Associates,, helps early stage companies in many sectors including software, agriculture, medical devices and content management. I work with many entrepreneurs and am particularly interested in those who want to improve our environment with sustainability ideas and appreciate forward thinking concepts such as strategic foresight.
Ollie Bream McIntosh is a design and strategy consultant, currently maintaining an international portfolio of private- and third-sector clients, specialising in digital, participatory, and cooperative approaches to systems change and local sustainability. He has founded and co-founded several social change organisations, including an award-winning UK-based social enterprise providing alternative education services. Alongside his consultancy work, Ollie is currently a trustee of an international social arts foundation, co-steward of an alliance of leading collaborative technology groups, and leads the annual delivery of a multi-award-winning course in Futures Studies at the University of Nottingham. Ollie Bream McIntosh is a design and strategy consultant, currently maintaining an international portfolio of private- and third-sector clients, specialising in digital, participatory, and cooperative approaches to systems change and local sustainability. Ollie holds a Summa Cum Laude MSc in Sustainable Territorial Development and a Higher-Level French Masters in Applied Economics, in addition to several specialist trainings in community development, strategic foresight, facilitation, and governance. Fluent in five languages, Ollie has lived, worked, and studied across Europe, Africa, and the Americas, including fellowships at two think tanks in Rio and London. He has founded and co-founded several social change organisations, including an award-winning UK-based social enterprise providing alternative education services. Alongside his consultancy work, Ollie is currently a trustee of an international social arts foundation, co-steward of an alliance of leading collaborative technology groups, and leads the annual delivery of a multi-award-winning course in Futures Studies at the University of Nottingham.
Communicologist, anthropologist, Ph.D. in transdisciplinary studies of culture and communication. Scientific editor, teacher, and researcher with more than 20 years of experience in multimedia language analysis. She directs the Futures Studies program at CENTRO, a higher education institution specialized in the Creative Economy.
Pierre Schoonraad is the Head of Research and Development at the South African Centre for Public Service Innovation (CPSI), a government facility mandated to entrench a culture and practice of innovation in the public sector.
Over 20 years ago as a senior policy making civil servant in the UK Government Department of Health. I realised, along with some supportive colleagues, that many policies are medium to long term, much broader than they appear (the law of unintended consequences) and the external environment will impact on them. As Head of Strategic Planning I embedded this process at Board level and it spread across other Govt Departments. After that I moved to Head of Health and Protection at the Association of British Insurers (dealing with issues such as genetics and discrimination) and since then have been a Fellow at SAMI Consulting.
Stories From Dubai Future Forum 2024
In 2024, we had the largest in-person convening during the Dubai Future Forum. These are stories and reflections from NGFP network fellows and network members who attended the event.
Stories From Dubai Future Forum 2024
Dozens of NGFP fellows, Young Voices winners, network members, judges and partners attended the Dubai Future Forum in 2024. Thanks to the support of our partner, Dubai Future Foundation, we had the largest in-person convening of our network. The diversity
Intergenerational Fairness Hub
About The Intergenerational Fairness (IGF) Hub is a community of practice and impact that brings together individuals and organizations who are committed to creating a just and sustainable future for present and future generations. Launched by the School of International
Using Science Fiction To Introduce Futures Thinking To Communities in Pakistan
NGFP 2023 Fellows Ishtiaq Azim and Muhammad Jibran Arshad use a combination of science fiction and historical tours to introduce futures thinking to their community.
Introducing the African Futures Dialogues Series
Learn about the African Futures Dialogue Series, launched in 2024 to engage and connect senior and emerging futurists, foresight practitioners, experts and thought leaders from across the continent.
AFDS: From Clicks to Progress: Youth Digital Pathways for Sustainable Development
This blog recaps the fourth session of the Africa Futures Dialogue Series, and revisits the work of 22 NGFP network members in the Africa Digital Futures Project.
AFDS: Who Ideates For Africa?
Network Weavers Passy Amayo and Duncan Koome recaps the first session of the African Futures Dialogue Series, which centred around a critical discussion on the factors shaping Africa’s future and the stakeholders/players behind it.
Six Lessons From Weaving The NGFP Africa Network
NGFP’s Africa Network Weaver and Advocacy Lead shares insights from her experience weaving the Africa network since 2021.
Implementing Sustainable Healthcare in South Africa With The Support of a Global Network
Tshepo Mokhadi, a member of NGFP’s Intergenerational Fairness Hub, built an AI-powered application that helps hospitals monitor and evaluate environmental impacts.
Empowering Collective Futures and Action in the Philippines
Carlo Lopa’s project aims to empower individuals and collectives who traditionally lack agency in determining their futures.
People Power: Exploring the Future of Demographics Through Play
Adam Sharpe and Siddhi Patil (NGFP 2022 Fellows) created the People Power game to creatively explore potential futures shaped by demographic trends.
Foresight Training For the Global South, From the Global South
NGFP 2023 Fellow André Arruda is building a free introductory virtual training in Futures Design & Strategic Foresight tailored for individuals working in governments and social organisations in the Global South.
Q&A With NGFP 2023 Balkans Fellow Sabina Mihailescu
Learn about Sabina’s project ÎntreVecini (Dear Neighbour), and her experience as NGFP’s first Balkans Fellow.
A Network-Powered Happenstance For Feminist Futures
2023 Fellow Thays Prado played a key role in supporting the development of the Girls’ Pact for the Future.
Te Korekoreka is Where Indigenous Intention Meets Futures Thinking
2023 Fellow Alice Dimond is among those working to equip New Zealanders with a uniquely Māori approach to create positive change.
The Climateverse Shows What’s Possible Through Newscasts From Preferred Futures
Through The Climateverse, 2023 Fellow Alicia Richins offers a hopeful narrative to motivate and drive change today.
SheSOLVES Africa uses foresight to close the gender gap in STEM
2023 Fellow Abigael Anaza-Mark is transforming education and supporting young women in STEM using foresight, intergenerational dialogues, and more
The MENA Fellowship
THE MENA FELLOWSHIP The Middle East & North Africa (MENA) Fellowship For the first time in 2024, we’re reserving space for emerging practitioners to join the Fellowship from the Middle East & North Africa region, in partnership with Dubai Future
Our Stories
Community Guidelines
COMMUNITY GUIDELINES The Community We Want We= Every Sensing Network Member We strive to foster a brave space and encourage healthy discussion. We are a community of connectors, doers, and collaborators. We do not accept any form of in-person or
Using Foresight To Help Global Cities Reform Heat Governance
As extreme heat causes deep systemic adversities globally, NGFP 2023 Fellow James Balzer, focuses his project on heat governance.
Foresight for Citizens’ Participation: Tomorrowlands & Leveraged Play
From workshops empowering young people in Brazil to games exploring the future of elections, NGFP Fellows Rodrigo Mendes and Randy Lubin are using their respective expertise for participatory futures.
NGFP 2020 Fellow Tolullah Oni Is Growing A Project For Healthier Futures in Africa
2020 Fellow Tolullah Oni received US$300,000 funding for UrbanBetter, a platform for learning, research and advocacy for healthier cities in Africa.
Using Foresight To Build Food Systems Capacity
Members of the NGFP Rural Futures Hub share insights from a capacity-building workshop in Kenya.
Five Takeaways From the Dubai Future Forum
Twenty NGFP members attended the Dubai Future Forum in November 2023. They share insights from the event.
Moving Towards An Australian Economy That Works For All Generations
2023 Fellow Thomas Walker contributes to a fairer future for young people in Australia by taking on tax and economic reforms.
Creating Space for Grief
2023 Fellows Fran Quintero Rawlings, Ziyan Hossain, and Calla Lee’s placemaking initiative aims to inspire personal & community transformation.
Transforming Stakeholder Engagement Through Food
Estefania Simon-Sasyk’s NGFP 2023 project, Transform, redefines stakeholder engagement by harnessing the power of shared food preparation.
Peaceful Futures
A global group of participants explore possibilities of a peaceful future and the conditions that would need to be in place to achieve global peace in 50 years.
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Messages From Youth to COP 37 – Ten Years From Now
The hopes of 37 young changemakers who participated in the Youth Climate & Energy Futures Lab, organised by the NGFP Climate Hub at COP 27.
The Importance of Futures Thinking for Collaborative Climate and Energy Futures
2021 Fellow Fisayo Oyewale shares her experience facilitating the Climate and Energy Futures Lab at COP27.
African Digital Futures
22 NGFP members from Kenya, Nigeria, and pan Africa developed 11 visions for African Digital Futures.
Our Stories Foresight Projects Our Partners
Find out how our hubs are driving systemic change and generating impact around the world.
Privacy policy
PRIVACY POLICY Our Privacy Policy This policy sets out the basis on which any personal data we collect from you, or that you provide to School of International Futures Ltd (“us”), on our websites and (“the Site”) will
Interested in connecting with NGFP fellows and members, learning more about our projects, or sponsoring us? Get in touch!
WHO Futures
WHO Futures identifies youth visions & priorities for life beyond COVID-19, understanding what young people think life will be like in the next 10-15 years.
Time Capsule
Collaborating with the BBC Futures, our global next-generation fellows developed a time capsule of objects that captured life in 2020.
African Futures Leadership
13 changemakers use foresight tools to create impact in their communities in Africa.
Futures Manifesto
Read a collection of 12 personal short stories from young foresighters about post-COVID-19 scenarios.
Futures Methods From Around The World
Join us in envisioning a more hopeful future and becoming part of a global movement.
African Futures and Foresight Action Forum (AFFAF)
This collaborative project between the NGFP Network Members is supported by the NGFP Impact Fund The African Futures & Foresight Action Forum (AFFAF) seeks to engage stakeholders across the African continent to delve into the societal & heritage issues across
A Humanitarian Foresight Anthology
This collaborative project between the NGFP Network Members is supported by the NGFP Impact Fund The collection encourages humanitarian stakeholders to re-think systems of power The first edition of this anthology captures experiences of foresight work within the humanitarian sector
Impact Fund
The NGFP Impact Fund is an incentive for NGFP Network members to work collaboratively with others and develop new futures and foresight projects. In addition to the monetary fund, SOIF and the NGFP practice offered group coaching support to help
Foresight Projects
See some of the foresight projects co-created between our network members.
Find out more about our Fellowship journey designed to support and empower the next generation of foresight practitioners.
Our Network
Besides our fellows and network members, we have close connections with our judges and partners. See who they are.
About Us
Read more about our vision, mission, objectives, and the values and principles that guide our work.
Sample Page
This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). Most people start with an About page that introduces them to
Participatory Futures Exercises to Investigate the Challenges in Our Food System
This collaborative project between the NGFP Network Members is supported by the NGFP Impact Fund The project engaged grassroots stakeholders in participatory futures exercises to investigate the challenges in food systems and speculate next steps. Team members: Participatory futures for