Our Stories
Using Science Fiction To Introduce Futures Thinking To Communities in Pakistan
NGFP 2023 Fellows Ishtiaq Azim and Muhammad Jibran Arshad use a combination of science fiction and historical tours to introduce futures thinking to their community.
Introducing the African Futures Dialogues Series
Learn about the African Futures Dialogue Series, launched in 2024 to engage and connect senior and emerging futurists, foresight practitioners, experts and thought leaders from across the continent.
AFDS: From Clicks to Progress: Youth Digital Pathways for Sustainable Development
This blog recaps the fourth session of the Africa Futures Dialogue Series, and revisits the work of 22 NGFP network members in the Africa Digital Futures Project.
AFDS: Who Ideates For Africa?
Network Weavers Passy Amayo and Duncan Koome recaps the first session of the African Futures Dialogue Series, which centred around a critical discussion on the factors shaping Africa’s future and the stakeholders/players behind it.
Six Lessons From Weaving The NGFP Africa Network
NGFP’s Africa Network Weaver and Advocacy Lead shares insights from her experience weaving the Africa network since 2021.
Implementing Sustainable Healthcare in South Africa With The Support of a Global Network
Tshepo Mokhadi, a member of NGFP’s Intergenerational Fairness Hub, built an AI-powered application that helps hospitals monitor and evaluate environmental impacts.
Empowering Collective Futures and Action in the Philippines
Carlo Lopa’s project aims to empower individuals and collectives who traditionally lack agency in determining their futures.
People Power: Exploring the Future of Demographics Through Play
Adam Sharpe and Siddhi Patil (NGFP 2022 Fellows) created the People Power game to creatively explore potential futures shaped by demographic trends.
Foresight Training For the Global South, From the Global South
NGFP 2023 Fellow André Arruda is building a free introductory virtual training in Futures Design & Strategic Foresight tailored for individuals working in governments and social organisations in the Global South.
Q&A With NGFP 2023 Balkans Fellow Sabina Mihailescu
Learn about Sabina’s project ÎntreVecini (Dear Neighbour), and her experience as NGFP’s first Balkans Fellow.
A Network-Powered Happenstance For Feminist Futures
2023 Fellow Thays Prado played a key role in supporting the development of the Girls’ Pact for the Future.
Te Korekoreka is Where Indigenous Intention Meets Futures Thinking
2023 Fellow Alice Dimond is among those working to equip New Zealanders with a uniquely Māori approach to create positive change.
The Climateverse Shows What’s Possible Through Newscasts From Preferred Futures
Through The Climateverse, 2023 Fellow Alicia Richins offers a hopeful narrative to motivate and drive change today.
Foresight Projects
Peaceful Futures
A global group of participants explore possibilities of a peaceful future and the conditions that would need to be in place to achieve global peace in 50 years.
African Digital Futures
22 NGFP members from Kenya, Nigeria, and pan Africa developed 11 visions for African Digital Futures.
Futures Methods From Around The World
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