Digital Futures Hub

As the world continues to evolve digitally, it becomes extremely important to reimagine what healthy digital societies might look like in the future and reflect on what impacts emerging technologies will have on the human population.

The NGFP Digital Hub was activated by the 2021 ‘Future of Data Governance in Africa’ project (funded by Omidyar Network). It consists of 22 NGFP members who were weaved together through a participatory futures process to identify emerging signals of change and factors driving the changes, explore possible future scenarios, and build artefacts from the year 2030. You can immerse yourself in their visions on the African Digital Futures Portal

The Digital Hub members seek to use these visions to influence healthy digital futures within different parts of Africa. They take these insights and connect with ongoing national, regional and global conversations, to both influence digital policy-making processes and co-create collaborative projects aimed at shaping more desirable digital futures.

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