Peaceful Futures Manifesto
Eleven NGFP members from various geographies, walks of life, and areas of expertise from across the peacebuilding ecosystem came together to imagine a peace-based world, 50 years from now. How could it look like? What would be fundamentally different? And most importantly, how would humanity get there? This collection of stories is their responses to these questions. Read them and be inspired by diverse perspectives.
The Power of Speculative Storytelling and What You Will Find in This Manifesto
by Thays Prado
The root in Efrontia
by Fisayo Oyewale
A Story of Freedom, Told By Kalayaan
by Nicole Kahn ParreƱo
My artificial nature
by Anna Peplova
by Alija Blackwell
What Comes After
by Olga Remneva
Memes and Mayhem in New Maldives City
by Randy Lubin
by Kushal Sohal
Hope at a treehouse
by Elias Mouawad
The Update
by Anastasia Evgrafova
The Voice of a Peaceful Forest
by Pavel Luksha
The New World Treaty
by Marcela Capaja