Peaceful Futures White Paper
This White Paper is the full report of the Peaceful Futures workshops held between June and December 2022 to explore trends, ideas, and opportunities to prevent wars and establish a peace-based society through culture, education and future thinking. It was produced by VZOR Lab and Global Education Futures, with the support of the Ecocivilization movement and Future Worlds Center.
Here is what you will find in it:
- General findings of the Peaceful Futures project
The “culture of peace” as the new basis of our relationships.
- The role of the foresight community
The call to create a world without wars once and for all raises the need for futures thinkers to understand pathways of creating a peace-based civilization.
- Drivers to shift towards Peaceful Futures
The main driving forces of peaceful futures scenarios are social innovators and entrepreneurs, anti-war, pro-justice, human and planetary rights movements, artistic initiatives, education leadership programs, as well as large scale organisations and institutions at national and international levels.
- Definition of different types of peace and understanding approaches
Absence of wars > Eradication of systemic violence > State of harmonious being. Causes of peace disruption, and methods to overcome them.
- The Roadmap for achieving Peaceful Futures in 50 years time
Peaceful Futures workshop participants have mapped out over 60 initiatives to cultivate global peace. Then, the White Paper taskforce organised a Structured Democratic Dialogues process to rank and prioritise those initiatives by their level of feasibility and expected impact, and clustered them in different “action streams”.
- Domain-specific findings
Peaceful Futures has multidimensional peace-related objectives. The White Paper details ideas and conclusions by different dimensions: Political, Economical, Cultural, Educational, and Technological.
As you read the White Paper, we invite you to reflect about a co-created world where wars are eradicated once and for all and peace becomes the new normal. Not only is this world feasible and desirable, but the journey to that future consists of achievable steps that can begin today.
See the Roadmap to Peaceful Futures .
Read the full White Paper report.