2020 Fellow Tolullah Oni received US$300,000 funding for UrbanBetter, a platform for learning, research and advocacy for healthier cities in Africa.

Members of the NGFP Rural Futures Hub share insights from a capacity-building workshop in Kenya.

Twenty NGFP members attended the Dubai Future Forum in November 2023. They share insights from the event.

2023 Fellow Thomas Walker contributes to a fairer future for young people in Australia by taking on tax and economic reforms.

2023 Fellows Fran Quintero Rawlings, Ziyan Hossain, and Calla Lee’s placemaking initiative aims to inspire personal & community transformation.

Estefania Simon-Sasyk’s NGFP 2023 project, Transform, redefines stakeholder engagement by harnessing the power of shared food preparation.

The hopes of 37 young changemakers who participated in the Youth Climate & Energy Futures Lab, organised by the NGFP Climate Hub at COP 27.

2021 Fellow Fisayo Oyewale shares her experience facilitating the Climate and Energy Futures Lab at COP27.