This collaborative project between the NGFP Network Members is supported by the NGFP Impact Fund

The collection encourages humanitarian stakeholders to re-think systems of power 

The first edition of this anthology captures experiences of foresight work within the humanitarian sector originated from non-traditional centres of power and decision making. The collection encourages humanitarian stakeholders to re-think systems of power, capacity building, funding, risk, complexity, inclusion, and urbanism, while cementing the value of ‘futuring’ as a tool for innovation, change, and imagination.

We believe that storytelling can be used as a tool to make the case for foresight within the humanitarian space and that these stories represent voices that often remain unheard.

NGFP Members

Aline Roldan – Special Award South America, 2018, Brazil

Elias Mouawad – Funded Special Award MENA, 2021, Lebanon

Prateeksha Singh – Main Award Winner, 2019, India

Virkein Dhar – Special Award Entrepreneur, 2020, India

Rohan Patanker – Asia Award (Funded), 2020, India

Aditya Prakash – Asia Award (Funded), 2020, India

Anastasia Evgrafova – Humanitarian AWard, 2020, Russia

Irina Danilicheva – Humanitarian Award, 2020, Russia

Olga Remneva – Humanitarian Award, 2020, Russia

Anna Peplova – Humanitarian Award, 2020, Russia


Through the first edition of the anthology, our aim is to:

  1. Identify the different values of collaborative futures thinking within the humanitarian sector.
  2. Nudge humanitarian stakeholders and leaders to incorporate the foresight practice within their work.
  3. Encourage more foresight practitioners to reflect on, document, and tell the story of their work.

Call to action

  • If you are a foresight practitioner and have a story to tell,
  • If you are within the humanitarian sector, and wish to explore foresight practice for your work,

Reach out to the HUM Futures team at